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Samuel is a contemporary spiritual teacher and mentor, specialising in self-enquiry, guided meditation and the tantric yoga of sensation and perception. He has devoted his life to the revelation of non-dual reality, and the embodiment of unconditional peace, happiness and love. 


From an early age, profound openings in consciousness led Samuel to immerse himself in the contemplation of ultimate reality. Through a series of gradual shifts in understanding, facilitated by adept guides, teachers and mentors, that reality became experientially self-evident, shining forth as the essential nature of Self. 

About Samuel

In 2016, Samuel came in touch with Rupert Spira and Mooji, both uniquely different instruments through which reality contemplates and announces itself. Under the tutelage of Rupert, through an extensive period of satsangs and retreats, he was introduced to the tradition of Advaita Vedanta, the essence of meditation, the yoga of Kashmir Shaivism, and the self-enquiry method of Ramana Maharshi. In parallel, Samuel attended multiple intensive retreats with Mooji, and eventually, the seva program at Monte Sahaja, where he experienced the power of an intimate and devoted community. The transmission of these pivotal meetings was like traversing the event horizon of a spiritual blackhole, into which the edifice of false identity inevitably dissolves.
Soon after leaving Mooji’s ashram in Portugal during the summer of 2018, Samuel found resonance in the company of Francis Lucille and Jon Bernie, both direct disciples of Jean Klein. At a stage when formulated questions had fallen away, Samuel comments that, “by meeting them both, the simplicity and ordinariness of the natural state reawakened in my body. It was a baptism into viscerally feeling the fine nuances of the silent transmission.” Specifically, in the form of dialogues and guided meditations, Francis indicated to him the path of classical hatha yoga, and the path of higher reasoning expounded by Atmananda Krishna Menon. In his group and private meetings with Jon, Samuel assimilated a somatic and energetic understanding of how to consciously attune to the flow of the Tao as it travels through our neurophysiology. Furthermore, Jon inspired Samuel’s initiation into the Qigong system of Mantak Chia, of which he is still a student and practitioner today.
At this stage of the path, Samuel was so enjoying the beauty of simply meeting in the mutual love of silent being, that he longed to meet new friends with whom he could relish in this love and silence. This longing led him to discover the online and in-person meetings offered by Louise Kay, and soon after, Isaac Shapiro. This season of life was like a warm hug from the total cosmos. The miracle that revealed itself to him was that such an intimate energetic communication could occur through a laptop screen, between two locations thousands of miles apart. He writes, “they both invited me into a new way of being together, in the silent stillness of presence, an effortless love flow and relaxation that becomes sweeter and sweeter, in which the residues of tension in the body and mind spontaneously dissipate of their own accord.”
Samuel now lives in Bristol, UK. He offers private 1-on-1 meetings, and holds gatherings and longer immersions, both online and in-person. 

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