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Guided Meditation

Date and time to be announced. 

The guided meditations are an invitation to be together in our shared presence, where peace, happiness and love are revealed as the living essence of our Self. In our togetherness we naturally support each other as the one Presence we are, beholding the flow of grace as it softens the turbulence of our mind, and unburdens our bodies from the accumulated stresses and tensions.
As we feel the current of life moving within us, Samuel will offer spontaneous wavelets of contemplation that orient our energy to an ever-deepening relaxation in, and abidance as, the infinite ocean of our Being.

The flavour of Samuel's guidance is a fusion of Vedantic, Tantric, Zen and Taoist ingredients, served to evoke the deliciousness of the moment. 

The next guided meditation gathering will take place on Zoom.

The meeting is limited to 50 participants.

If you feel a call in your heart to offer a donation, follow this link

The essence of meditation is simply to allow the moment to be as it is. This allowing is not an action or choice. The very nature of our Self, Awareness, is to allow. As such, our essence is pure meditation itself.

Samuel Jacob

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