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Being Enough

There is only one Reality. There can only be one. Everything that exists is reducible to one indivisible, irreducible substance.

What is not real, not made of being, evidently, does not exist. That is, it can never be experienced, for there is nowhere for it to be. The only place for things to be is within Reality.

There is only one Reality. As such, Reality has no borders. It is an infinite place.

So, then, at this infinite place; what are you?

Well, only you can know. Only you are you. It is your experience right now that you are here, being what you are, totally available to be investigated by yourself. So, what can you say with absolute certainty about your experience of yourself in this moment?

I am.

Fortunately, that is all you need to know, and you don't need it, because you already have it. In fact, you don't really 'have' this knowing. You are this knowing.

'I am' is already a complete knowing of all there is to know of what you essentially are, what the experience of Reality essentially is.

What is implied in this simple, yet profound, knowing 'I am'?

I am not nothing or non-existent. I am present. That is substantial!

An illusion has no capability to know 'I am.' Being that I know that I am, I am absolutely real.

Being that I am real, I derive my Reality from the only Reality that is. As such, I am one with the Reality that I experience as everything.

However, I am not really 'one with' for there are not two substances here. It would be more accurate to say; I am the Reality that is everything.

The self that believes or feels to be separate from Reality is none other than Reality itself, pretending to be a separate entity. It is not possible for a separate entity to truly be, for there is only one Reality that is being.

What else could we possibly want to know of the nature of Reality?

There is nothing more we can really have than 'I am.' Knowing our self as the Reality of everything is an experience that cannot be trumped. Why? Because it is an infinite experience. It is already the complete fulfilment of itself, without the possibility of addition to itself. There is no place outside of the Reality of everything from which an addition could come.

This experience of simply being our self, Reality, is absolute contentment. It is, by nature, complete.

If this all seems theoretical to you, check now the experience to which you refer when you say 'I am.' Without reference to anything intellectual, that is, without reference to thought, what can you know from that which knows 'I am'?

Remove all the words from this page, and what is the essential experience of the page? Remove all the thoughts from what I am, and what is the essential experience of that which I am?

Silence, right?

What is this silence really announcing?

That I am not anything conceivable by thought. That is, intrinsically I am not limited by the definitions that thought conceptualises. I am unlimited.

That is enough, in and of itself. That is the experience of being enough. In that experience, as that experience of being absolute silence, there is no formulation of the idea of 'not enough', 'insufficiency', 'incompleteness.' There is no formulation of any idea. There is just being that I am, which knows itself non-conceptually as unlimited Reality.


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