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Joyous Waves

Rock my world, oh, joyous waves,

Devour any semblance of separation,

In our oceanic undercurrents,

Let’s meet under the surface,

Where you and I drink each other,

Thoroughly drunk on each other,

Until we’re slurring our words,

In one mouthwatering swell of madness,

Through and through, and through again,

We dive into our deliciousness,

Ever-here, ever-now,

The limits of skin that seem to house our self,

Submerge in the scenery, quickly,

Spilling over an imaginary edge,

Into the endless sky,

Rising the levels of our horizon,

Where our bodies touch the sun,

Merging with the outer reaches,

Of unobservable space,

We find ourselves, kissed back,

By the unforeseen face,

Of our original self,

Caressed by every sensation,

That fills this earth,

We feel ourselves hugged,

From every direction,

Our toes, tickled by tentacles,

Of transparent energy,

That enter into where they have always been,

Right where they are,

The ground that knows no ground,

Sprouting roots stem from us,

As the trees that wave “Hello!”

Swinging in our swinging,

Flowing from the heart of our matter,

Where living rhythms,

Accompany every breath,

And forays of leaves sing in the wind,

To the minute songs our bodily hums,

Imperceptibly quiet,

Our gladness widens,

Fling the windows wide open, my Love!

Onto the pulsing expanse,

Of luminous night,

And see these eyes touch infinity,


Before time began to exist,

And watch these lips clumsily speak,

Attempting the impossible;

Rendering this magnificence verbalised,

We say, without saying anything at all;

"See that what is, is, already,

Already bursting into itself,

With a joy of being so completely itself!"

Like the juicy plumpness of raspberries,

Like the laughter of a child,

Like the fiery sun!

Luminous in celebration,

For what gives to all,

For all eternity.


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