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Less than an Instant

Finding openness

Amidst the richness of textures

Is as easy as seeing behind your eyes

It takes less than an instant

To reveal what’s always vividly present

A shimmering lucidity

Staring itself in the face

As the grin of tree branches

Swinging to say,

“ello me’old’chum”

Welcoming their source

Into its home

The trees giggle with glee

As they ask a favour

For the source of seeing

To pour forth more of itself

In the joviality of the wind

And so I do…

For you, as me

Laughing into myself

The space recedes and extends

Infinitely at once

Abandoning all hope

Of finding peace in its flux

I restfully am

In that abandonment

I find peace as myself

Before finding is found

Before ‘before’

Before these ephemeral sounds

Rise from and fall onto

The ground...

That has no ground.


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