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Light Mass

Attention rambles through a squelchy mass,

Finding light, bursting amidst the body,

Gently piercing the curves I considered solid,

Lightening the load, releasing weight to the air,


Attention soaks in itself,

Marinating sensations in its love for itself,

No resistance remains,

For attention helplessly welcomes all that it touches,


Once a land of war, now a vibrant party,

The body sighs with an ever-deepening relief,

Appreciating the peace pervading itself,

Sharing its lightness with the tables and chairs,


The whole scene glimmers with a churlish wink,

Like an empty flame flickering in the night,

Effervescent colours radiating through the expanse,

Filling the totality of the darkness,


No interest to conjure experience,

And the universe vanishes like a mirage,

A faint fascination for the possibilities of play,

And the universe extravagantly celebrates,


The wind whirls a rich tune,

Coordinating with the chorus of clouds,

Summoning the trees into a ballet of dancing,

All in synchrony with my gaze,

Our gaze.


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