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Meditation: The Cosmic Ocean

Visualise a vast ocean, endless in its expanse, stretching beyond the boundaries of comprehension. This ocean is not made from the fluidity of matter as we conventionally perceive it. Instead, it is made of something that transcends the tangible and defies the confines of time and space. This ocean is made of Consciousness itself.

Close your eyes and let your attention relax and expand, as though you are opening up into the very ground of Being. Here, there are no distinct forms, no separate entities, no divisions. Only an all-encompassing, boundless expanse of Consciousness.

Feel this Consciousness as an ever-present ocean of liquid presence, flowing with a gentle, inexorable tide. It is not something apart from you, something you visit temporarily, but is your innermost substance. It is inseparable from who you are, on the personal, surface level of waves, and inseparable from who you are in the deepest depths of Reality.

You are not a mere observer of this ocean or temporary visitor in this ocean; you are an indivisible wave of its flow, forever flowing around as its essence.

Allow the body to breathe by itself, and feel as if the air were a fluid within this ocean. Allow thoughts to drift away like foam upon the surface of this cosmic current. Notice how each thought, each emotion, each sense perception arises and subsides within the vastness of Consciousness. They are but fleeting ripples on the surface of an unfathomable ocean.

In this moment, see clearly that you are not a separate entity navigating Reality, a separate wave with a separate will to navigate the ocean. You are Reality itself, experiencing its own presence through the current of humanity. Only your will exists, manifesting as everything perceivable.

In the essential experience of yourself and Reality, the seer and the seen are one. Understand that they are united by virtue of their togetherness. 'Reality' and 'yourself' are present together as two names for one seamless substance, just as two waves are expressions of the same seamless ocean.

As you continue to breathe and dwell as this ocean of Reality, sense the profound interconnectedness of all that exists. Every living creature, every atom, every speck of stardust is an integral droplet in the grand movement of Conscious Reality. Each apparently individuated droplet contributes to the whole, and the whole is incomplete without each droplet, for each droplet is made of the whole. All there is to a droplet is the one water of the ocean.

In the depth of this ocean, there is a deep sense of serenity and unity. You are not alone in the cosmos; you are the conscious substance of the cosmos. Your Consciousness is that in which the cosmos appears.

Let this knowing sink a wave sinking in the ocean.

Let it sink deeper, and deeper, all by itself.

And just be this ever-deepening sinking of the droplet in the ocean. Be the ocean and be the droplet. They are one. here.

Now, as you feel the current of physical activity begin to reemerge, and an interest arises to return to your day of creativity and interactivity, establish this feeling of profound oneness and interconnectedness within the essence of what you are. Let it guide your actions, your interactions, and your understanding of the world.

In this contemplative current, you have touched the timeless truth that Consciousness is the essential substance of everything that exists, and your personality an expression of its boundless beauty. Relax into that weightless buoyancy. It is your natural state.


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