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Meditation: The Unity of Everything

Find a quiet place where you can fully allow yourself to relax. Sit as comfortably as possible. Close your eyes and welcome a few deep breaths, letting the weight of the body settle and your attention come to rest in the present moment.

Start by gently bringing attention to the simple fact of being aware. Feel the pure Awareness of 'I am' independent of any thought, feeling, or sensation. Just the unmixed sense of being. You are simply aware and present.

Rest here, as this resting that rests all by itself. Enjoy this simplicity of being, which effortlessly is.

Now, invite your attention into the sensations in your hands. Feel the tingling, the warmth, the pulsing. These sensations are happening within Awareness. Open to the experience that the sensations in your hands are made out of the same substance as the Awareness in which they appear. Can you feel that unity, that sameness? There is no division between the sensation and the Awareness of it. It is all one continuum of experience.

Allow this feeling of unity, this tactile sensation of oneness, to expand from your hands to your arms. Feel the boundaries between what you previously thought of as 'your arms' and 'the space around them' begin to dissolve. Extend this sensation further – to your chest, your legs, your head. Feel the entire body as a field of sensation within the vast space of Awareness.

Notice the sounds around you. Hear them as modulations in the same field of Awareness where you feel bodily sensations. Understand and feel that the distinction between inside (your body) and outside (the cosmos) is only a thought. In the direct experience of hearing, there are no boundaries. Similarly, let all sights, smells, and tastes be experienced as they are, without the label of 'internal' or 'external'. Everything arises in the same unbounded field of Awareness.

Invoke the sense of the vast cosmos. But instead of feeling it as something 'out there,' feel it from within. Recognise that the same Awareness in which your immediate sensations arise is the very Awareness in which stars burn and galaxies whirl. You, as this infinite presence of Awareness, are not a small entity within the cosmos. You are the totality of what is, experiencing itself from a unique point of view.

Stay with this experience of unity. The boundaries between you, the cosmos, and Awareness are just constructs of the mind. In your direct experience, everything is made out of the same 'substance' – pure Being, pure Awareness. Rest in this unity. Rest deeply in and as this ocean of Awareness where there is no separation between the wave and the water, between the Self and the cosmos.

As you prepare to conclude this meditation, take a few deep breaths, feeling the breath flowing within your vastness. Bring your attention - this focusing of Awareness within Awareness - to the sensations of the body and feel them within you. Now attend to the sounds and experience them within you. Include the atmosphere of the room or vista, and feel the totality of the movement of the moment as a current within your cosmic body.

As you open your eyes and engage with the world, remain in tune with this visceral understanding that all appearances are a movement of one unified field of Awareness, your Self.


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