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Motion and Stillness Are One

The appearance of motion indicates the unmoving substance out of which it is made.

Let's see the truth of this statement in our direct experience.

For motion to appear, it must appear within a medium that houses the motion. In relative metaphorical terms, we can see that the moving clouds cannot appear without the ever-still sky. A movie cannot appear without the ever-still screen. The movement is dependent upon the ever-still medium in which it appears.

In the same way that all movies are essentially made of the ever-still medium that contains them, that is, the screen, all motion of experience is made of the ever-still medium that contains it, for there is nothing else for the motion to be made of. There is only this one all-inclusive medium in which all motion appears.

What is this medium?

In what does all motion appear?

Motion is appearing within a medium, and being that you are currently experiencing the motion, you are already experiencing the medium within which it appears.

What is this medium? Don't say you don't know, you are experiencing it now.

Check now. You have all the eternity in Reality.

Are you experiencing or knowing the appearance of motion?

Yes, right?

So, we have two observations available to us from our investigation of experience; motion appears to be happening within one all-inclusive medium, and the motion is known.

Are these two observations mutually exclusive?

No. Let's collapse them into one single formulation that announces the truth of our experience.

Motion is known. Motion appears within the medium of Knowing. And being that all there is to the medium of Knowing is Knowing, everything that appears within Knowing is made of it. Therefore, motion is made of Knowing.

Ok. So is the presence of Knowing essentially moving?

Whatever moves, must move within a medium.

Is Knowing appearing within a medium?

Is there something more essential in our experience than Knowing, from which Knowing arose?

Did Knowing arise? What would know the arising of Knowing?

It would have to be Knowing. But Knowing cannot know the arising of itself. It is already completely present to itself, by itself.

Try now to know something more essential in your experience than Knowing.

Can't? That's because there isn't anything more essential than Knowing.

Knowing is all that we know. 'We' are this Knowing.

Knowing never appears or disappears, and is always in the same unmoving, unconditional condition. It is the essential, irreducible substance of our Reality, of Reality itself. Our Reality is the Reality of Reality, for there is only one Reality present.

The presence of Knowing is the reality-medium of all apparent motion.

So what about this motion that we seem to experience? How could the appearance of motion be made of an unmoving presence?

It's magic! That's one translation of the term 'Maya'; pure magic. We don't and can't know 'how.' We just know that Knowing is here; immutably, unmovingly present. And we know it is assuming the form of all apparent motion, just as the unmoving screen appears as the moving movie.

What is the experience that this Knowing has of itself throughout all the movement and change of life?

Peace, for it is absolutely unmoving.

Know yourself as this Knowing now, and know Peace as yourself.

That was not an instruction, requiring effort to implement. That was a description of what is already true.


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