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Questioning Awareness

Simply ask yourself these questions, and refer only to your direct, immediate experience to see the answer;

Am I aware?

Am I aware that I am aware?

What is this ‘I’ that is aware of Awareness?

Am I separate from the presence of Awareness that I am aware of?

Can Awareness be known by anything other than itself?

Is being aware a new kind of experience that appears?

Is the self-aware nature of Awareness ever absent from experience?

Can I have an experience that does not appear within my Awareness of myself, that is, within Awareness’ Awareness of Awareness?

Can any form of experience prevent me from being aware of being aware?

Can attention ever leave the self-aware presence of Awareness?

Is there any distance or separation between the Awareness that knows and a thought that is known?

Or is Awareness the entire substance of the thought?

Is there any distance or separation between the Awareness that knows and a sensation that is known?

Or is Awareness the entire substance of the sensation?

Is there any distance or separation between the Awareness that knows and a perception that is known?

Or is Awareness the entire substance of the perception?

During the appearance of a thought, sensation of perception do I, Awareness, ever cease to be self-aware, self-knowing, self-evident?

All forms of experience are made of Awareness’ knowing of itself.

The experience of a thought, sensation or perception is Awareness knowing itself as that thought, sensation or perception.

Awareness, our self, is the substantial reality of all experience.


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