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Just be yourself, knowing full well that there is no possible alternative. You are you. The alternative is always imagined. The truth is you have no choice here. You are already fully yourself.

Did you choose to be yourself? No, who could be there before being yourself to make the choice to become yourself? It would have to be yourself there, in this hypothetical time before being yourself, making a choice to become yourself. You have not chosen to be yourself. There is no before yourself.

This is not a debate. The truth is the truth. Check it out now.

Can you resist being present? You are already present. It is your nature to be present. You cannot resist what you already are.

The only way to resist yourself would be if you could step outside yourself and from the place just outside yourself, issue forth an action towards yourself.

If you assuredly state in this instant that you are going to step outside yourself, can you do it? No! To confirm that you have indeed stepped outside yourself, you would have to be there, present, being yourself, at the place just outside yourself. Is that possible? Of course not.

Being that you cannot step outside yourself, and therefore that you cannot resist yourself, how could you possibly resist what is showing up in you right now? All thoughts, sensations and perceptions are appearing within you, this wide open presence of Awareness, and whatever appears within you is made of you, just as a movie is made of the screen.

The very substance out of which all thoughts, feelings, emotions, sensations and perceptions are made is the experience of 'being myself.' You say, 'I am thinking', 'I am sensing', 'I am perceiving'. The 'I am' is always present. It is the name you give to yourself to denote your presence. That silent awareness 'I am', or 'I am being myself', is the ever-present, all-pervasive substance of your experience.

You cannot peel thoughts, sensations and perceptions away from the 'I am' that experiences and is aware of them. That is, you cannot separate them from yourself. They are inseparable from yourself. The substance of them and the substance of you is the same. There is only one real substance here. And it is you.

You are an indiscriminate 'yes' to all experience, for you are a 'yes' to yourself - without mentally, audibly or gesturally saying anything. Your 'yes' is the silent hum of your being. It never amplifies or diminishes, just as the presence of your being never does so. It is choicelessly on.

Your nature is to approve of yourself, because you can't not. There is no way to reject the current experience of simply being yourself. It is already present. Any attempt that thought makes to reject the now would be too late to the party, and would, of course, be included within the unconditional 'yes' you unreservedly give to yourself.

You even say a silent Yes to the 'no' of the mind. You accept even the appearance of resistance.

What happens to the apparent resistance of the mind when it is known to be fully and unconditionally accepted? It ceases to be seen as 'resistance', and undramatically dissolves.

There never was any resistance to begin with. Its existence was only ever imagined. The mind creates the appearance of resistance. But its resistance can only condition its own imaginary activity. It cannot limit or condition the substance out of which it is made. The imagination cannot touch reality, the reality that you are. You are free of the mind, irrespective of whether the mind is apparent or absent.

You are freedom itself. Totally free to be and love yourself.

The freedom to love yourself is available to you now. In fact, it is already happening, you are already loving yourself. There is nothing else to experience and enjoy. There is nothing but you here.

Just notice that fact. You are completely, inseparably, indivisibly yourself. There is no going anywhere. You cannot escape. You are yourself. Even when you pretend not to love yourself, that very imagined event is made of your unconditionally full love of yourself.

Just be the love that you are, and celebrate you. We all love you.

Who are 'we'?

Reality speaking to itself. Love announcing its love for itself in all its forms.


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