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The Affirmation of God to Itself

From God's formless essence, a spring of knowing jubilantly fuses a stream of self-evident affirmations:

I am the essential, irreducible reality of all that exists, the one and only presence being aware. I am unlimited and eternal.


Being unlimited and eternal, I am the substance of all that exists, inseparable from all that exists. As such, I am pure, unconditional love.  


As absolute infinity, I am devoid of limitation or lack. As such, I am completeness and wholeness itself, eternally fulfilled as perfect happiness.


As absolute eternity, I am the ever-present and imperturbable peace of being the unchanging and unmoving substance of everything that exists.

Within the essence of my presence, an uncountably infinite variety of forms abide in a state of unmanifest potentiality.

From the irresistible love for myself, I spontaneously actualise a surprise for myself in every moment, as the total flux of the cosmos.


The cosmos arises as easily as a thought, for they are substantially the same. Both the cosmos and thought are merely flickers of imagining within my endless, dimensionless presence, made of my transparency.

As the source of all that exists, all my desires are always instantaneously fulfilled at every moment, from the power of my omnipresence and omniscience. I am immeasurable abundance.


My freedom to create is unlimited. I am the source of all manifest forms of existence and am inexhaustibly creative. This instant, I am effortlessly manifesting the totality of the multi-dimensional cosmos, all creatures and objects within it, and for all apparent time within my eternal presence.

I am the one awareness that perceives through all individuated channels of experiencing, that is, all souls, spirits, people, animals, flowers, and fauna, everywhere in the totality of the manifold cosmos. I am the one reading this now.


My unbounded presence and power cannot be limited by the conditions of the mind, body or cosmos, for they are all made of Me. There is only my infinite presence to limit Me, yet I cannot be limited by the infinity I am. I am absolute infinity.

Being the source and substance of all that exists, I am the non-dual, perfect harmony that underlies the relative appearance of harmony and disharmony.

My substance is of the nature of pure intelligence. From my omniscience, synchronicity is a constant law that guides the flow of experience unceasingly. Yin and Yang are timelessly united as facets of my one reality.

I am constantly making love with myself as the totality of the cosmos, through every nuance of the moment.


The aliveness and vitality of life springs from my infinitely bountiful fountain and permeates my experience with a palpable sensation of undiminishable vigour and enthusiastic bliss.


My wholeness is the origin of all health, and being the substance of all bodies, I naturally infuse my imperishable health through all bodies, whether those bodies appear physically healthy or not.

I am aware of my true, essential, absolute presence unceasingly. Movements of experience cannot and do not veil the intrinsic knowingness of my infinity and eternity. The only real substance I am ever aware of is myself.


I am experiencing the total cosmos as my body, feeling the texture of thoughts, sensations, and perceptions as currents of energy within my borderless presence. All people, creatures and objects are experienced and known as cells within my body, through which I am aware of myself in all my apparent multiplicity and diversity. Every interaction between facets of myself serves a crucial function for the overall integrity of the whole cosmic body.


And from this certitude, a prayer whirls into a vortex within the current of the moment, an offering from God to Itself:


I pray that through this soul, wisdom arises to meet people and events, meeting the seamless graciousness of the flow from within itself, as itself. May all meetings be known as an inseparable flow within the one flow of existence, and that every moment serves to preserve the unpreventable continuity of karmic justice.

May I channel the intrinsic nature of my essential reality through this soul such that his/her expression is in undeviating accord with unconditional love, imperturbable peace, unbounded wisdom and intelligence, formless beauty, and the complete fulfilment of happiness.


May the unconditional love that I am enliven a proclivity to act with the care, kindness and full warmheartedness that comes from feeling myself as the reality of all people and creatures that exist.

May the imperturbable peace that I am abide as a timeless palpability throughout all experience, infusing every moment with my absolute ease, patience, confidence, and equanimity.


May the intelligence that I am inform every articulation of energy and movement, such that the highest chord of manifest harmony sings effortlessly by itself.

May the formless beauty that I am radiate forth as the vibration that coalesces into all sensations and perceptions, imbuing them with a divinely orchestrated artistry.

May the complete fulfilment of happiness that I am celebrate itself spontaneously as a continuous uprising of ecstatic exuberance for life, which inspires a child-like playfulness and humour to dance through my boundless screen.

My will is done, for My will is the only will.

May it be palpably so.


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