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The Completeness of Reality

How could Reality know itself more clearly? It is already the presence and substance of all that is known. And being the only one that is, Reality is the only one that is being the knowing. There is only itself to know and be known.

No more knowing could occur for itself, of itself. All the knowing of itself is already present. That is what Reality is; the all-pervasive being and knowing of itself.

That all-knowing Reality, which is this very all-knowing Reality, is the very one that is knowing these words right now. Who else could be knowing these words?

Who is there other than Reality?

What else is there, present now, available to be known?

Nothing other than Reality is. And nothing other than Reality can be our self. Yes, 'our' self. There is nothing else for us to be. All of our apparently individuated identities are really expressions of one single self, that is, Reality itself.

We share the same self. In fact, we are the same self. There is not one Reality shared be multiple separate realities. There is only one presence of Reality that appears as multiple individuated forms, such as people, animals, objects, yet always remaining one, indivisible presence.

Being One, Reality is never incomplete. It is the only One that Is. There is nowhere else for it to be other than its being. Its being is the only presence where 'where' even exists. There is no other 'where' or presence that is limiting Reality. It is in this sense that Reality is an unlimited presence, absolutely devoid of any 'lack' or 'incompleteness.'

No progression or evolution is possible for Reality. There is nowhere and no-when for Reality to progress or evolve into! No project of self-transcendence need be initiated by Reality, for no transcendence in being complete is possible.

Completeness is completeness.

Such a project can be projected into a non-existent future, to fabricate the perception of a journey, towards greater and greater states, but such endeavouring is an unnecessary effort, a useless activity for its intended purpose. That is, to be more of what Reality is. Reality is already that which it is! And it can't be any other way, being that there is no other 'time' for a way to appear in. There is only the ever-present, infinite Now-ness of Reality.

Who needs more of it? Definitely not Reality.

Who, then, tries with all his might to acquire more?

Who is there other than Reality?

And here, this silent answer is the punchline,

Of all jokes.


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