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The Imagining of Separation

What is separation other than a mental fabrication?

Separation is only separation from the point of view of the thought that defines it as such. 

Where is the seeming experience of separation without thought to claim it is being experienced? Utterly non-existent!  

Moreover, where is the experience of separation during the appearance of the thought that claims it is being experienced? Utterly non-existent!

The thoughts, 'I am a separate self', 'there is a separation between this and that', 'reality is made of two essential components', are all just temporary and imaginary superimpositions upon the Reality of Awareness. They are not essential to it, but rather only claim to be. If we were to write in the beach sand, 'these words have always been in the beach sand', evidently, the essential Reality of the beach is already what it is, before any such words appeared. The sand is not limited to the words.

Likewise, limited entities, separation, relationship, interaction and any concept you can think of only appear to exist within the imaginary domain of the mind. Without reference to thought or memory, we have no direct experience of them. Check now in your immediate experience.

Without referring to thought or memory, what do you know about the Reality of Awareness?

That it is present? Yes.

That you are aware of its presence? Yes.

Is there any evidence of it being separate? No!

Is there any evidence that you, the Reality of Awareness, are limited? No!

If you think that separation or limitations are being experienced, notice that in order to come to that conclusion you had to refer to thought. Set those thoughts aside, by understanding that those thoughts are not essential to this current experience. They appear subsequent to the already-here-ness of present Reality.

You are here, now, unmovingly. The concepts 'duality', 'separation', 'limitations', are all temporary. They appear, move and disappear. They are not intrinsic features of you, of Reality, the Presence that is present prior to their appearance and is present after their disappearance. Therefore they cannot be used to identify or define you, just as a character in a movie cannot identify or define the screen, because the character is limited to the domain of the movie. The character cannot transcend the movie, step outside of the movie and come in contact with the screen. While the character appears on the screen, made of the screen, she can never find the screen using the tools and techniques accessible to her in the movie world.

Likewise, thought cannot identify or define the Reality of Awareness, the presence in which it appears using its imaginary tools and techniques. Only Awareness can know itself. You, Awareness, know that you are present, now, unmediated by thought. Leave thought aside and ask yourself, what am I really?

Am I separate?

Am I limited?

Am I bound by duality?

Now, simply abide as this unavoidable Presence of your self, Reality, and allow the belief in duality, limitation and separation, to dissolve in the Presence of that which disproves such a belief, for there is no evidence in Awareness intrinsically to validate the belief in duality, limitation or separation.


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