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Utter Simplicity

Being is abundantly simple. The fact is that Being is. By its very nature Being is. That's what it is; being itself.

Pure Being, pure Presence, is the simplest attribute of experience that we can experience. That is what everything that we experience reduces into; Presence.

This Presence that I refer to here is not hypothetical, that is, some form of abstract axiom or philosophical metaphor. We are not referring to the conceptual domain of mind here. When we say 'presence' we are referring to a direct, immediate, absolutely real experience of Being.

Obviously the word or sound 'presence' is not what Being is made of. Being is not made of words, just as this screen is not made of words. The words appear temporarily on the screen, made of the screen, but the words are not intrinsic to the screen. In the same way, the words that refer to Being are not intrinsically embedded in the essential substance of Being itself. These words, like all words, are merely ephemeral signs, that arise and subside, indicating the only presence that is ever-here; Being.

Being does not need thought to know itself. It needs nothing other than its naked, silent, unadorned self to know itself. This is easy to verify. It is our experience that all thought has a beginning and an end. Prior to the beginning of thought, there is no thought in Being. There is just the pure presence of Being.

Being is made of itself alone. Being that which ever-presently and immutably is, there is no other substance around for it to be made of. It is here all alone.

And what is it, in our actual experience, that Being is made of? All there is to Being is the experiencing of it. In other words, experiencing is a fundamental attribute of Being, for we can never have experiencing without Being, nor Being without experiencing, and so, they are not other than each other. They are one and the same substance, known by two names; Experiencing and Being.

Notice, right now, that each word, that is 'Being' and 'Experiencing', refer directly to the same absolutely real presence.

Now, who or what is experiencing being?

Can it be something separate from or independent of what Being is?

How could something separate from or independent of Being have the capacity to experience Being?

If such a separation truly existed, there would be no possibility of ever connecting with Being in order to experience it. But right here, right now, Being is experienced, right?

By whom is it experienced?

Being itself is experiencing itself as what you call 'I.'

That experience is perfect non-duality. There is no subject-object relationship between a presence and itself.

Being is indivisible, irreducible self-identity.


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